Trip to Japan
Filmed by Bernard Leach
1934-35 (70 minutes)
Mashiko Village Pottery, Japan
1937 (32 minutes)
Produced by Kokusai Bunka Shinkokai
Ryukyu no Mingei
(The Mingei of Okinawa)
1939, (5 minutes)
Produced by the Japan Folk Crafts Museum
Bernard Leach visit to Mills College
Oakland, California
1950 (10 minutes)
Filmed by A. R. Alexander
The Leach Pottery, 1952
(35 minutes)
Produced by the
St Ives Camera Club (?)
Shoji Hamada at
Scripps College, California
1953 (15 minutes)
Produced by Richard Petterson
Onda Pottery, 1954
with Bernard Leach and Soetsu Yanagi
(16 minutes)
Produced by the Oita Prefectural
Government, Japan
Onda Village Potters
Looking at Mingei
1957 (17 minutes)
Produced by
West Japan Film Co. Oita, Japan
Bernard Leach Visit to
New Zealand
1962 (17 minutes)
Produced by
Tartan Films, New Zealand
Potters at Work
1976 (26 minutes)
Produced and directed by Marty Gross
The Art of the Potter
1971 (52 minutes)
Produced by David Outerbridge
& Sidney Reichman
New Interviews
Interviews on history and
relevance of Mingei today